Evan, say cheese...........
Tonight Nathan and I took the boys to see Santa on the Old Towne Mall. While we waited, Evan created picture frame masterpieces. Again.....Cheese!?!
Jackson and Nathan held our spot in line. This Santa is great and likes to spend a lot of time with each child , which is great. Just not if you are in the back of the line and end up waiting 2 hours and by the time you see Santa, both kids are in full meltdown mode. (Flashbacks to last years experience) We learned our lesson and got there early this time.
Santa: What do you want for Christmas?
Evan: a pillow pet
Jack wasn't impressed!!!!
It was a great night. The snow had started to fall when we came out and it was almost magical and quite cold. We rushed home for hot chocolate and classic Christmas cartoons.
Evan: a pillow pet