
Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Little Man at Home

My son loves to suck on things, anything in fact, as long as he can get it in his mouth. Sometimes when I am carrying him he will attack my chin or my nose on start sucking on them before I even realize what he is doing, he's that fast. I will be carrying him and all of a sudden he will whip his little head around and attach. He even has sound effects and facial expressions that go along with it which involves a little growl. Today his object of choice was his bouncer.

Later we took a walk and when we returned I sat his car seat on the porch while I put away his stroller. When I got back he was looking so intently at the pillars like he was trying to figure out what they were that I had to take a picture. He was smiling and cooing and then he saw the camera and decided it was a great thing to try to suck on. Needless to say there was drool everywhere!

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